Its been a while - I've been has thrown some unexpected events at me and mine!
On a crafty note I have just spent the weekend in the company of Jean Hardy of Crafty Individuals, her business partner Malcolm and 10 other crafty ladies!
What a brill time! Very relaxed pace, great food and wonderful company.
I loved looking at everyone elses' creations - we all had a different take on the tasks. Very inspiring!
(confession - I have a new stash of stamps to play with ;-) )
Saturday was such a beautiful day and we spent the evening in a local pubs' beer garden in Yarm - ahhhhh the bliss of the English Sun!
On another note the Crochet is coming along - I have decided to make a blanket - I figured it would give me the experience I need to feel comfortable with all things crochet!
It goes everywhere with me - that's the great thing about it! I have had some funny looks though LOL.
Its slowly coming along and I picked the brightest colour of yarn I could find! My son says "it'll take you years Mum to finish that!! ". Lets hope he's wrong!
Keep well everyone
PS if you are the ********* that stole our car off our drive then I hope you ******** in hell!
(apologies to the innocent - but I needed to get that off my chest!)